
Visiting Home

As the vaccine for Covid19 is now out and travel might soon open up, I realised that there is a possibility that travelling may soon…

Planting Your Own Vegetables

When the Covid19 pandemic started, I was shocked at how much we relied on shopping for all our day to day needs. Even though we…

Exercise Motivation, my life experience.

When I was in my 20s I was involved in a car accident and I ended up staying in hospital for a few months. I…


Life experiences When we moved to the UK, we were under the illusion that we would have a servant/maid as we had back home. No…

Doing the best with what you have

Life lessons Growing up we lived in a middle-class suburb with really nice houses, but my parents never once did anything to improve the house…

Extra Curriculum activities

Life experiences Now that children have gone back to school, I realised that more extra curricular activities which cannot be done on line may also…

Are your fears and insecurities affecting how you raise your children?

One day while playing in the snow with my little one, we found a worm and I was a bit worried about her not being…

Mindset and books I have found useful. (World book day special)
As a child growing up in a former British colonial country, we were always encouraged to read English books to improve our vocabulary. I never…
Plan for Half Term and other Holidays

Reality check My first job in a united kingdom laboratory, was in a large maternity hospital but the laboratory was small and there were only…

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