Summer Holiday ideas for parents

When my children arrived from back home, we found ourselves stuck with ideas of how to keep the children busy. Back home they had always played outside endlessly and also we had a maid/nanny to take care of the little ones while we went to work.

Book annual leave at least the year before to avoid disappointment at Pexels

Check the school calendar for all upcoming school breaks at least a year in advance. Over the years we have leant to book the annual leave well in advance, to ensure that at least one of us is available.

Look up the school calendar for the following years half term on the same period and book the annual leave required.

Book holiday clubs well in advance too as these also can get fully booked quickly. Don’t forget to also create time to yourself when the children are in holiday club. This allows you to relax and get much needed rest. Liaise with the other parents or relatives in your care bubble to see if you can share child care during half term to minimise you taking too much annual leave.

Involve the children in the decision making of what fun activities to do.

Basil Otshudi at Pexels

Before planning the activities, always give the children a chance to decide on some of the fun activities that the family can do together as a family. Growing up i was never given the opportunity to decide anything, and thus I was never free to explore what I was really interested in.

When they decide, also get them to organise the equipment required for the activity.

When they decide, also get them to organise the equipment required for the activity and also to lead on the activity. This teaches them organisation skills. For instance, when my little one decides that she wants to bake, we get her to take everything required for baking and place it on the kitchen counter. Once we have finished, i also get her to help with the clearing.

Create a schedule for each day

I found that without a schedule, sometimes we end up running out of ideas and we end up just watching TV. A schedule also gives your children something to look forward to each day. It also helps them to learn telling the time. With my little one, I always say to her, when the big arm on the clock gets to this number, and the little arm gets to this number, it will be say half past one and that will be time for lunch. This gets her checking the clock and trying to work out the time.

Make sure with the schedule, there are also fun activities and this can be used for weighing up options and used as treats for good behaviour.

15 Summer Holiday Ideas

1.Going to the park to play on the swings

2.Feeding Ducks at the park

3.Simply taking a walk

4.Exploring nature in the park

5.Playing in the Garden and exploring nature in the garden

Jill Wellington at Pexels

5.Visiting museums

6.Visiting local farms for a day out

Any Lane at Pexels

7.Playing at the beach

Kindel Media at Pexels

8.Baking funny shaped Scones and cookies

9.Preparing dough for Muffins

10.Children can also help to prepare food

11.Making and playing with Playdough

12.Play hide and seek

13.Involve children in the exercise

14.Reading books

15.Arts and crafts

Do not be afraid of the mess, the challenge is getting the little ones to handle paint without making a mess. Have a protective plastic sheet to cover the surface and also buy washable paints

Hope you are enjoying you time off with your children. Remember even if they are teenagers, still plan activities with them. This also makes them feel valued and you get to know them more when you engage with them.

If you have any other activities that children can take part in during these unprecedented times, please feel free to add to the comments. Don’t forget to subscribe so that you do not miss future posts.

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